2013-2015 Courtney Enright

Term: 2013-2015 

Portrait of Courtney Enright
Portrait of Courtney Enright

Courtney Enright was appointed as a student regent in June 2013 by Governor Parnell. Originally from Ketchikan, Regent Enright is working toward a bachelor鈥檚 degree in mechanical engineering and master鈥檚 in business administration at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

She currently is interning for Baker Hughes Inc. In the past she has worked as a research lab technician for the Alaska Space Grant Program and as an intern for Alaska U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski. Regent Enright is currently vice chair of the Alaska Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee and has served as president of the Society of Women Engineers Collegiate section. Additionally, she is involved in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Aurora Borealis Rotaract Club and Lions International.