2007-2015 Kirk Wickersham

2007-2015 Kirk Wickersham
Kirk Wickersham, photo by Nelson Photography Alaska
Kirk Wickersham, photo by Nelson Photography Alaska

Kirk Wickersham of Anchorage was appointed to the Board of Regents in 2007 by Governor Palin. Wickersham is an actively retired attorney and real estate broker. He is the developer and owner of FSBO System, Inc. a company that provides professional coaching to home sellers, and a former chair of the Alaska Real Estate Commission. Previously, he was an economic development consultant and won a national award for innovative community development regulations.

He is a graduate of the University of Alaska, Yale Law School, and has a master鈥檚 degree from the University of Colorado. Wickersham has written three published books and over two dozen professional journal articles, and lectured before more than fifty conferences, professional development seminars and university classes.

Single with two grown children, he enjoys skiing, sailing, kayaking, mountain biking, adventure travel and community activities. He is a member of the College of Fellows of UAA and UAF.