Druska Carr Schaible

Druska Schaible at work in the science department at the university. Photo: Alumni Association
Druska Schaible at work in the science department at the university. Photo: Alumni Association
Druska Schaible was born August 10, 1905 in Antibes, France and was brought to this country when she was five years old.
Mrs. Schaible came to Fairbanks in 1935, when her son was a small boy, and enrolled at the university. She received a bachelor of science degree in 1938 and a master of science degree from the University of Washington in 1941. She returned to the University of Alaska campus as registrar and in 1945 became a member of the faculty. She became head of the department of biological sciences and dean of women at the university.

She was the wife of Dr. Arthur J. Schaible, a prominent physician and surgeon in Fairbanks who was in charge of the Alaska Native Hospital in Tanana for a time, and who served on the University of Alaska Board of Regents from 1961 to 1969. The two were married Dec. 23, 1949, in Seattle. Arthur Schaible was Druska's second husband as Druska had one son, Michael Carr, from her previous marriage. Her stepfather, Dr. William Duckering, was dean of the University of Alaska for many years until his death in 1950. Druska's sister was Leslie Salisbury, whose husband Lee was professor of speech and drama at UAF. The Salisburys named one of their daughters after Druska.

Druska Carr Schaible stands in front of her office in the Natural Science Department. Photo: University Relations Collection, Rasmuson Library
Druska Carr Schaible stands in front of her office in the Natural Science Department. Photo: University Relations Collection, Rasmuson Library

Between 5 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, November 23, 1957, Druska Schaible died of asphyxia during a fire in the Lathrop Building where she and her husband had an apartment. As executor, Arthur Schaible brought a wrongful death action against the Lathrop Company and the City of Fairbanks. Initially judgment was rendered against both defendants and both appealed. The Alaska Supreme Court held that there was insufficient evidence against the Lathrop Company but judgment was rendered against the City of Fairbanks for negligence in fire fighting.

A memorial was suggested shortly after her death and Dr. Ernest Patty, university president, appointed a committee, not only to raise funds but to get as many individuals as possible among the donors whose names would be displayed on an appropriate scroll. Dr. Minnie E. Wells, head of the university department of Arts and Letters, headed up the memorial fund committee. A scholarship was established in her memory. The Schaible Auditorium in the Bunnell Building on the UAF campus was also named for Druska.


Former students of the late Professor Druska Schaible turned out to address, stamp, insert and seal hundreds of fund-raising drive envelopes. Photo: Daily News-Miner
Former students of the late Professor Druska Schaible turned out to address, stamp, insert and seal hundreds of fund-raising drive envelopes. Photo: Daily News-Miner

91麻豆天美 Site named after Druska Carr Schaible

Schaible Auditorium


Alumni Association files

Fairbanks Daily News-Miner articles from November 1957

Alaska Supreme Court documents