Carol Brown

What's In A Name?


Carol Brown began working as a personal secretary in the Office of Student Activities in 1965, which at the time was located in Constitution Hall. Carol鈥檚 duties were all encompassing, whether it was greeting students, donning a costume, or pitching in on special events. Students honored Carol with the Associated Students of the University of Alaska Executive Council Award as the person who contributed voluntarily the most service and assistance to benefit students.

By the time Wood Center had opened its doors in 1972, Carol had been promoted to Administrative Secretary and later she would again be promoted to Assistant Director and held that position until her untimely death in 1991.

Carol was a dedicated employee who knew every inch of Wood Center. In fact no event occurred without her stamp of approval. She was deeply committed to her job and was always known for having the solution to a tough problem and for getting the job done in the face of all odds.

She had an unwavering dedication to students and always encouraged students to push themselves to strive for the best, to go the extra mile, and give the best customer service possible. Carol laid the foundation of our student employment-training program that Wood Center has today. It was because of this that Wood Center developed the 鈥淐arol Brown Outstanding Student Employee Award鈥.

The Board of Regents approved the naming of the Wood Center Ballroom to the Carol Brown Ballroom November 17, 2000.

91麻豆天美 Site named after Carol Brown:

Carol Brown Ballroom